In the words of my father.

  1. To learn the art of being human one has to begin by being poor.
  2. We must close the door to circumstance: let certainty prevail.
  3. Allah! Protect us from the error of the intelligent.
  4. The great world spins forever down the ringing grooves of change.
  5. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hid.
  6. It is better to die for something than live for nothing.
  7. For what is a man profited if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul.
  8. You cannot do anything with a ship that is drifting. It simply lies in the trough of the wave beaten and tossed.
  9. Face the sun and the shadows fall behind.
  10. Life without honour is sawdust.
  11. The souls of men of feeble purpose are the graveyard of good intentions.
  12. It is the lowest gear which climbs the steepest hills.
  13. Actions speak louder than words.
  14. Great soul have wills : feeble ones have only wishes.
  15. Some people have minds like concrete: well mixed and set permanently.
  16. A fool is someone who never in his life has tried an experiment.
  17. Sometimes a person with a clear conscience has only a poor memory.
  18. When a man has a birthday he takes a day off: when a women has one she takes a year off. (Think about it!)
  19.  When a piece threatens every moment to be a tune and then disappoints you, it is a classic.
  20. The drawing room was bright with scandalabra.
  21. Old men and women are fond of giving good advice being no longer able to set bad examples.
  22. It takes a strong willpower to overcome a weak conscience.
  23. A night club is where the tables are reserved and the guests aren’t.
  24. He puts some elastic into his truth telling.
  25. From a hungry tiger and an affectionate women there is no escape.
  26. He who brings the word is not thereby required to go its way.
  27. Your words are like a string of hanging lanterns where the way has hitherto been dark.
  28. These rebellious knees of mine would refuse their very sustenance should I attempt so impolite an act.
  29. May winning numbers come to you in dreams.
  30. May tour disturbing path be smooth even to graveside.
  31. His reputation does not reach any higher than a sitting duck.
  32. Women’s tears – the world’s greatest water power.
  33. It’s always a privilege to be able to counsel the young and inexperienced.
  34. She who breaks the lid by noon will crack the dish ere nightfall.
  35. He who cannot predict winning numbers has no need to let off crackers.
  36. Makes you look deceptively intelligent.
  37. Even the guiles turtle does not put his head out twice.
  38. Many a poor blade looks gay in a velvet scabbard.
  39. So few people can afford to laugh.
  40. Life – what a glorious adventure it should be for all and what a pitiful thing most of us make of it.  
  41. Fill every precious minute with 60 seconds of distance run.
  42. May you live all the days of your life.
  43. The water that has started downhill won’t run back.
  44. The tree that needs 2 arms to span its girth sprang from the tiniest shoot.
  45. The journey of 1,000 miles began with a single step.
  46. Beware the fury of a patient man.
  47. We are the children of Gods and are never more the slaves of circumstance than when we deem ourselves their master. What may happen next in the dazzling force of life, fates alone can tell.
  48. Desires are like horses: cannot be driven four abreast until you can drive one singly. 
  49. Life is too short to be-little.
  50. The King loveth him that speaketh right.
  51. Everything in the world has its decisive moments. The crown achievement of a good conduct of life is to know and pick out that moment. 
  52. The bright moon is not around for long: The bright cloud is easily dispersed.
  53. What is offered for nothing is often worth that much and no more.
  54. He who rides a tiger cannot dismount.
  55. It is easier to gain than secure the advantages of victory.
  56. It is easy for a beggar to claim a distant kingdom.
  57. Trust every man but never fail to cut the cards.
  58. Coward be the man who complains about his Lot in life when he has a healthy body.
  59. Many a man in search of happiness has seeked and gained colossal wealth only to find that it was not that at all he was after but things he had arrogantly cast aside in his eager endeavour for wealth, love and true friends.
  60. It is peculiar that the cheapest things in life, in this cold and money crazed world, can rarely be afforded…a hearty laugh!    
  61. The pleasures of the senses pass quickly; those of the heart become sorrows, but those of the mind are with us even to the end of the journey.
  62. How lack of money cloggeth endeavour.
  63. Calm in the midst of a storm.
  64. Blessed the misfortune that comes singly.
  65. Those who cross the sea change their sky’s but not their feelings.
  66. A penniless traveller will sing in the presence of a highwaymen.
  67. Laughing is not always a sign that the mind is at ease.
  68. It is only the first step is difficult.
  69. To whom fortune herself yields.
  70. It is sweet and glorious to die for one’s country.
  71. It is easy to add to things already invented.
  72. Prosperity has many friends.
  73. Let justice be done though the heavens may fall.
  74. Nothing is difficult to the brave and faithful.
  75. Let’s face it with fortitude and rectitude.
  76. Love and smoke cannot conceal itself.
  77. Patience is bitter but it’s fruit is sweet.
  78. A snake lies hid in the grass; often you don’t see it till it Strikes!
  79. No one ever became a villain in an instant.
  80. Life is not merely to live, but to be strong.
  81. Not every lawful thing is honourable.
  82. Honesty is praised and left to starve.
  83. The rustic fool waits for the river to flow past but it glides on and will glide on for all time.
  84. Misfortune does not always come to injure.
  85. If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent one.
  86. The cause being removed, the effect ceases.
  87. Suffer in order to be wise and labour in order to have.
  88. Can such anger dwell in heavenly minds.
  89. A man may shine in the second rank who would be eclipsed in the first.
  90. I took her for a rose but she proved to be a thistle.
  91. Where the law is uncertain there is no law.
  92. An act of kindness is never lost or wasted.
  93. Poison is drunk from golden vessels.
  94. It is true prosperity to have no want.  
  95. Life consists not merely in breathing but in acting.
  96. Fortune is the companion of valour or virtue.
  97. We can never see ourselves as others see us.: even the mirror shows us in reverse.
  98. By losing present time we loose all time.
  99. His knowledge of life and ordinary human beings is so lazy he deserves a decoration for it – a medal inscribed “for vaguer-y in the field”.
  100. Forgive! How many will say forgive and find a sort of absolution in the sound to hate a little longer.
  101. Worse than being on the wrong end of an argument is to be in the middle.
  102. If you feel you are being treated as office furniture mind you are not written off to the “Depreciation Accounts”.
  103. He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.
  104.  A lot of us would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.
  105. It is easier to advise “bear up” than bear.
  106. This would be a better world if people would show as much patience with each other as they do waiting for a fish to bite.
  107. A whispered lie is just as wrong as one that thunders loud and long.
  108. The best things in life are free. Unfortunately the next best things are expensive.
  109. The first person for a young person to do after getting a job is to purchase an alarm clock, even if he has to mortgage his car to do it.
  110. A co-ordinator is a person who has a desk between two expediters.
  111. Beginners know more than the experts ;they find all the pitfalls.
  112. It is not that money makes everything good; it’s that no money makes everything bad.
  113. Every tiny bit of virtue or vice leaves a permanent mark.
  114. Laziness is an insidious evil which must be combated resolutely.
  115. Smiles are the outward sign of an inward beauty.
  116. Success requires no explanation – failure permits now alibi’s.
  117. A friend is one that knows all about you, and loves you just the same. (Elbert Hubbard)  
  118. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.
  119. Help others and forget yourself – and you will find happiness.
  120. He is a weak friend who cannot bear with his friends weakness.
  121. Flattery is monstrous in a true friend.
  122. No one can resist a sincere smile or hearty laugh.
  123. Speak clearly and if you speak at all, carve every word before you let it fall.
  124. To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of living.
  125. If you have stickability you don’t need much else.
  126. If you won’t do better today- you’ll do worse tomorrow.
  127. Be not the first to quarrel – nor the last to make up.
  128. Success does not come to those who sit back and wait for success to come to them.
  129. Forget others faults by remembering your own.
  130. He who says what he likes must hear what he does not like.
  131. We are where we are and what we are, because of our conduct.
  132. If we cannot have what we like – maybe we can like what we have.
  133. Self-pity is the mortal enemy of self-respect without which we can achieve nothing worthwhile.
  134. Effort and spirit in our own endeavours are and unbeatable combination.
  135. Our main purpose should be , not to see what lies dimly ahead – but to do what lies clearly at hand.
  136. Treat every person you meet each day in a manner such that they will be happy to meet you again.
  137. You will never have any more time than you have today.
  138. Waste no time, budget it, use it, you’ve got all there is.
  139. Happiness is an attitude of mind.
  140. He was the kind of cautious person who thought things over before going off half-cocked.
  141. Don’t worry what people think about you because they seldom do.
  142. Happiness is the result of being too busy to be miserable.
  143. Sooner or later a person who carries tales makes a monkey out of himself.
  144. A boss may not be able to make yoi do anything but he can make you wish you had.
  145. A man starts life off young and broke and winds up old and bent.
  146. No one gets too old to learn a new way of being stupid.
  147. When someone is always right there is something wrong.
  148. Some persons speak when they think, some after.
  149. It’s easy to pick out the best people because they’ll help you do it.
  150. You don’t need road manners if you have a horn and a ten ton truck.
  151. It always pays to smile in the morning because later in the day you may not be able to.
  152. We like the fellow who is reasonable and does things our way.
  153. Most of us would prefer to be miserably rich than happily poor.
  154. Occasionally you can make someone else happy by just leaving him alone.
  155. Many couples are unhappily married but just don’t realise it.
  156. His heart as from fraud as heaven from from earth.
  157. You are a brave women also a pretty one and to that I would like to add a sensible one.

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